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Francesca, oppassen in Limburg

Met aanbeveling
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Huiswerk hulp

Hi, I'm Francesca, and I'm new in town! I currently work from home as a freelance illustrator. In the year 2017/18 I worked as a photography and multimedia teacher at the art school A.Vittoria (Italy). From this experience, I developed a certain propensity for contact with young people, even if I was already a teenager, but before that I was a babysitter for 5 years during my studies in Bologna. It has been continuous work with a family from whom I can get references, taking care of three beautiful girls aged 0-1 (with food tolerances), 2-3 and 5 years old. On the other hand, I am the second of 3 brothers, the youngest is 10 years younger than me, so I was constantly taking care of him from the age of 10 myself. I have different educational and recreational experiences and the most important thing in my opinion is the fact that I love children and they love me! I open to any solution and I remain available for any other questions.

Aangeboden diensten
Reguliere opvang
Professionele ervaring, 2 tot 5 jaar.
Heeft al opgepast op kinderen van
minder dan 6 maanden
6 maanden tot 1 jaar
1 tot 3 jaar
3 tot 6 jaar
ouder dan 6 jaar
Gesproken talen
Engels (vloeiend)
Russisch (tweetalig)
Aanvullende services
Koken voor de kinderen
Hulp met het huishouden / strijken

Gebruik de Pro Beheer
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Geverifieerde e-mail
Telefoon geverifieerd
1 geverifieerde aanbeveling

Incidentele babysit
7,50 €
per uur
Deeltijdse / naschoolse opvang
10,10 €
per uur

Francesca kan u op verzoek contactgegevens van voormalige werkgevers die haar aanraden verschaffen.

Michela S.
Francy è stata per le mie bimbe la sorella maggiore che era esattamente quello che cercavamo. Attenta alle indicazioni fornite dai genitori, ha sempre fatto del suo meglio instaurando un rapporto amicale solidale e di fiducia con le bimbe che da subito la cercavano ed aspettavano il suo ritorno. Affettuosa , educata, pulita e ordinata, non ho mai avuto dubbi sulla sua serietà e disponibilità massima compatibilmente con gli studi. Non avremmo avuto motivi di interrompere il rapporto di collaborazione se non per il suo forzato allontanamento di studio e lavoro, ma siamo ancora in contatto. In bocca al lupo cara Francy!
ongeveer 2 jaar geleden verbonden - Nu beschikbaar

Niet beschikbaar! De opgegeven beschikbaarheidsdatum is al meer dan een maand niet bijgewerkt
Voor school
's ochtends
's middags
's middags
Na school
's avonds
's nachts
Beschikbaar tijdens de schoolvakanties


Gebruik de Pro Beheer
Identiteit geverifieerd
Geverifieerde e-mail
Telefoon geverifieerd
1 geverifieerde aanbeveling


Incidentele babysit
7,50 €
per uur
Deeltijdse / naschoolse opvang
10,10 €
per uur