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Nounou for child with special needs. en/fr/pl. live-in or out

We would like someone with experience and/or genuine interest in working with children with special needs.

We would prefer someone who can adapt to a flexible schedule.

Some weeks would be more demanding in hours but they would balance out by doing less hours during other weeks.

Here are some sample tasks and an idea what a week could look like.

Weekday Mornings 8h to 9 AM
Help prep the kids for school/activities.
Snacks/ lunches / school bags /
Follow up with older child on teeth brushing and making bed, completing chores
Clean up table / kitchen after younger child’s breakfast
Drop off at school bus (5 min drive from our home)

Evening 16h30 - 19h30
pick-up from school bus
Serve kids dinner / play with kids / engage in activities (go for walks, pool, trampoline)
Bedtime routine
Supervise pick up of clothes / toys / books etc.

Sort out kitchen /clean table after kids’s diner / load dishwasher / recycle compost.

Pick-up up pick up younger child's toys/clothes, tidy bedroom / bathroom

Weekend + and general
Child care (playground, pool, walks …
Supervise older child’s chores / homework/ piano practice help with more complex chores (like recycling )

Recycle paper / plastic, …
Folding laundry (only for younger child)
On occasion I would ask help running some errands like minor shopping or post office. But otherwise tasks are child related.

We have a cleaning lady but kitchen tiding up on daily basis would be appreciated.

Below is a bit of information go give you an idea of our situation.

We are looking for someone experienced and/or specifically interested in a career working with children.

I'm not sure what kind of arrangement would be most interesting. We are flexible and can negotiate about the details.

I'm providing a brief description of our situation so its easier to see of there is a match with what you are looking for.

We have 2 children. Our son is 10 and our daughter just turned 8. We need mostly someone to help take care of our daughter Lily.

Lily has special needs. She has an un-diagnosed global developmental delay. She is very sweet and charming but there are behavioral problems. There are regularly times when she can't manage her emotions and is difficult to take care of because her communication is very simple and we are not sure how much she understands.

Ideally We need someone regularly for mornings and after school and on Saturdays or Sundays but also sometimes for nights and more extensively when I travel.

Lily is in school Monday to Friday / 9am - pm.

She also has very restricted dietary requirements (low GI / Keto).

We could offer a live in arrangement and 20-40 hours of work per week.

Some weeks it would be 20 and other weeks 40 depending on my traveling schedule. Official contract.

Live out is also possible (except for those dates when I'm away from home).

Please let me know if this sounds like something you might be interested in and we can further discuss details and figure out if our needs are congruent wit yours.


Soort opvang gezocht : fulltime opvang

1 kinderen om op te passen (3 tot 6 jaar)

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eerder zoekopdracht van meer dan 2 jaar (26 november 2021)
Nodig tijdens schoolvakanties
Een auto is nodig
Rijbewijs is nodig
voor school
's ochtends
's middags
in de namiddag
na school
's avonds
's nachts