Advertentie gewijzigd op 27 maart 2018 om 08:00
I'm Jeremie, 33 years old, and I have free time that I can share.
I look kind of a pirate so kids actually love me. I can be their friends, share trust and stay clear about the authority they need to be safe.
I like creative games, invent stories or creating new songs, drawing, building shelters, etc.. I can play guitar or piano.
I'm happy to have a sportive shape. I care about healthy food, don't eat a lot of meat and I'm in love with fruits and vegetables.
I'm really OK with any kind of animals or being outside, in the nature.
I spent 7 years as a boy scout when I was younger, chief of my troop for several years.
With some friends, we planned music and art initiation workshop for kids in Brussels in art galleries.
I came in the neighborhood to find some rest but I miss these activities with kids, so feel free to ask if you have any question.
Thank you
Incidentele babysit | 10,00 € per uur |
Deeltijdse / naschoolse opvang | 8,10 € per uur |
we can discuss together, it can changes based on your needs // à discuter selon vos besoins
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Incidentele babysit | 10,00 € per uur |
Deeltijdse / naschoolse opvang | 8,10 € per uur |
we can discuss together, it can changes based on your needs // à discuter selon vos besoins