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Se contacter et se rencontrer gratuitement ? Ici c’est possible :-)


Tous les jours, des milliers de nouvelles annonces.

En confiance

Profils complets, vérifications, avis : recrutez sereinement.

Hi, I have been living in Belgium for about 3.5 years now, of which 3 were as a student and the rest as an employee of a biotech company in Zwijnaarde. Currently I am living in the city center of Ghent and for the sake of the times when I worked as au pair and babysitter, from when I was being a student, I would like to occasionally babysit. I love kids and I would benefit from the lovely time and the extra bucks. Please, let me know if I can look after your kids while you enjoy some t...

Dear Family, My name is Amy. I am a 22-year-old student of International Organisation Management at Arteveldehogeschool. I am Italian. My first language is, of course, Italian, and I am also fluent in English (C1). I started learning English in primary school, and it was also the main language of instruction in the secondary school I attended. I have in addition been taking extra courses taught in English by native speakers at university. I speak an intermediate level of Spanish (B2) ...

Coucou! I am Mimi, 31 years old, single! Been Au pair for 3 years. And here i am again willing to help you parents to make your life easier! I can also prepare dinner while baby sitting:) even cleaning 🧹 ! Please don't hesitate to message me :)

Beste Ik ben Sara mama van 3 kinderen 7 en 5 en 6 manden Ik zoek een bijbroeb job en in werk graag met kinderen ik werd heel blij als u mij gekoezen heb om ik uw kind(ren) kunnen zorgen en oppassen dat doe ik met veel pliezer ☺️☺️☺️ Als het moglijk zijn dat ik uw kind(ren) bij mijn thuis kunnen oppassen tot dat de ouders thuis zijn dan bereng ik de kinderen naar hun thuis Mvg

Gent, les principales villes

Dernières recommandations

Katharina,assistante maternelle agréée à Gent

Very nice meeting with Katarina who took wonderful care of my 4-year-old son. Beautiful qualities: playfulness, confidence and professionalism, my son and I really appreciated it :-) Thank you katarina and good luck to you

Amy,assmat professionnelle à Gent 9000

Amy is a very warm person, reliable and full of responsibility, cares s lot for the kids and is investing in them on various levels. I am often amazed by her maturity and dependability, which are relatively rare personality traits in young people these days. I trust her with the kids implicitly. Amy has never shown anything but patience and understanding around children of all ages, and in fact seems destined to be in this line of work. Some people just have a way with children, and Amy is definitely one of those people. She is also incredibly responsible in her own life, making her an ideal person to have living at your home. She is clean, responsible, and respectful of those around her at all times - and funny. She has always found a clever solution to deal with difficult situation - always finding a warm way to connect with either the children and us, the parents. Besides, she is cooking delicious italian dishes - always curious to search for new recipes. This curiosity for life and interest in the people she is living with/working for was always a great support and a very welcoming dynamic. If I were in need of an aupair, I would not hesitate in hiring Amy for the position. I strongly encourage you to jump at the opportunity to have her care for your children.

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